Bless us today, God of the Universe, as we look for you as our Shining Light and Holy Darkness. Bless us as we look up to the heavens, inspired by the wonder and mystery of the moon eclipsing the sun. As we look up with awe, may we also look within: Let this occasion when the sun is obscured make us aware of the things that obscure our view of your shining presence in the world and in our soul. Let it prompt us to wonder how we contribute to obscuring the light of life, justice, and wholeness for others, locally and globally. In this sacred moment, burn your imprint on our hearts, and may your brilliance fill us and shine out for all to see. Amen. - Wendy Janzen
As this year turns to the next,
Bless the passing of time, God, whether we like it or not. Bless children growing right before our eyes, our ageing bodies and ageing parents. Bless the presence of each moment, and the movement of hours turning into days, weeks, months, seasons, years, lifetimes. For the year behind us, may we be graced with memories. Give us hearts large enough to hold heartaches, resilient enough to accept losses, and content enough to be grateful. For the year ahead, give us open hands and open minds. Help us embrace growth and beauty, unknowing and paradox. Bless the good earth who grounds us, and horizons that give us space to see. Bless the sun who travels the globe each day, and the moon whose change night by night is perceptible. Bless the water with is many forms, modelling change and transformation. Bless the sky and its moods, brilliant and drab and everything in between. Bless us with rituals that bring shape and meaning to our days. Bless us with companions who provide connection and comfort. Bless us with hope in a future with light, love, and laughter. - Wendy Janzen Oh! What wonder
that I should be graced to witness a small flock of singing starlings suddenly fall silent, and as if one body lift from the branches. A singularity floating, swooping, soaring to music I cannot hear, but see. An orchestra with wings. A drab grey canvas brought to life with poetic movement. A performance of the ages, with an accidental audience of one star-struck human awed by the glory of it all. Bless you, Starlings, for the exquisite wonder and delight you bring to the world. Bless you for honouring your calling and praising with your bodies. Bless you for showing us the beauty of community and being part of something bigger than ourselves. - Wendy Janzen Blessed be the sun's warming power energizing all that exists. Blessed be the joyous flowers raising their beautiful faces to the sun. Blessed be the the nesting birds singing in each morning. Blessed be the vernal ponds nurseries of new life. Blessed be my place within this beloved community, giving and receiving the gifts of life. - Wendy Janzen God, our constant companion and guide,
here in this place of stark beauty, make your sacred presence felt among us. Open our senses and our full awareness to your mystery, and help us to listen to the seeds buried in the earth, to the interplay between water and ice, to the cold wind in the bare branches, to the stillness of the trees, to the brilliance of the sky, to prayers without words. Amen. May God bless the season of winter around us and within us. May we go, knowing God's presence in the midst of life’s challenges, God's love in the stillness, and God's hope in the promise of new life waiting for spring. Amen. - Wendy Janzen May November be a time
to lay to rest that which no longer brings life. May the cool days invite you out to wander and pay attention. May you embrace the mysteries of life and find the blessings of God everywhere. May the laments of the Earth touch your heart and transform your living. May your soul recognize kinship with all that exists. May your prayers for the Earth be heard. - Wendy Janzen Blessed are you, autumn,
season of unavoidable endings. You show us how letting go can be a glorious, joyful practice with your spectacular colours. You model how to hold paradoxes with grace - the balance of living and dying, relinquishing and receiving, gathering and sharing. You know that death is not and ending, but a passage, a transformation into new life. May we learn these lessons well: to celebrated with abandon to practice reverence to surrender completely to embrace tenderly to love without regret. - Wendy Janzen Trees are amazing neighbours! They provide us with oxygen, sequester carbon, have a moderating affect on the temperature, reduce erosion, prevent water runoff, provide shade, are habitat for many other species, and some even provide us with fruit and nuts.
Trees, just like all of creation, can offer healing and can be a window into the nature of God. Trees are so critical to life on earth; they are also a potential place for divine encounter Here are some reflection questions you can use to spend contemplative time with a tree. Go for a walk and find a particular tree or forested area that feels inviting to you. Consider how this tree or this part of the forest might be a sacred text where the Holy One can be revealed to you today... Or, reflect on what gives you a sense of grounding or rootedness... Or, perhaps you feel you need to make a confession for humanity’s destruction of ancient trees and forests, and seek forgiveness... Or, simply breathe and reflect on a sense of sacred reciprocity - giving and receiving so that all might flourish and thrive... Blessing May you live a life rooted and grounded in God’s presence. May you stand tall and strong, Bending with grace and trust in life’s storms. May you give and receive freely, Holding on to nothing for long, So that all life might flourish. May you hold space for those Around you, bearing witness to The joy and pain of life. Amen. - Wendy Janzen God of Spring,
of roots and growth, of vibrancy and veriditas: Bless this time of planting. As we dig our fingers into rich soil, wiggling and delighting in the damp warm, earth, we remember that we are earthlings. Bless our connection with the the land, with the water that supports all life, with these seeds we bury beneath the surface trusting that they will germinate and grow and nourish our bodies. Bless the fertility of the earth, the micronutrients, the compost, the earthworms, and the pollinators. Bless our intentions to be good gardeners: may we give and receive, work and wait, with humility. And bless these seeds: help us to hold them with reverence and to see in them the promise of sustenance and life. Amen. - Wendy Janzen Blessed be red tailed hawk
and clear blue sky. Blessed be the glowing yellow branches of weeping willow. Blessed be brilliant white snow and deep shadows. Blessed be wind and sun, flowing river, and frozen soil. Blessed be the tilt of the globe, the orbit of earth, and the expansive cosmos. Blessed be the life cycle, seeds, decay, birth, death, and all the moments in between. Blessed be God, Mother of all, Lover of all. Blessed be our love for life and all that is alive, for our world, our watershed, our particular place, and all those with whom we share it. - Wendy Janzen |
AuthorReflections, poetry, prayers, photos, and resources written by Wendy Janzen unless otherwise noted. Archives
December 2024