Our May worship gathering celebrated the season of spring planting, and the miracle of seeds, along with a celebration of Pentecost. Listening to Spring The first stanza is by Macrina Wiederkehr, the remaining stanzas are by Wendy Janzen. Invite participants to repeat the phrase “I am listening” at the end of each stanza. I am listening to seeds breaking open, to roots growing strong beneath the ground, to green shoots rising up from winter wombs. I am listening. I am listening to seeds carried on the wind, to light-as-air fluff floating and flying, to open soil ready to receive new life. I am listening. I am listening to seeds carefully collected and sorted, to gardeners preparing the land, to gardens primed for us produce. I am listening. I am listening to seeds of the Spirit, to invitations for new life to rise up, to wild wonder and imagination and hope. I am listening. I am listening to the language of Spirit, to voices of birds and squirrels and creek, to messages of seeds, sun, soil, and rain. I am listening. I am listening to the Spirit of springtime, to this season of vibrance and veriditas, to this season of praise and promise. I am listening.
This year, in honour of Earth Day, we started an hour early with some activities including garbage clean-up, letter writing, forest bingo (for the kids!) and a self-guided spring ephemeral walk.
As we moved into a time of worship, we focused on celebrating the ways we are cared for by the Earth, rather than on the problems we need to fix. The Earth is amazing, and full of blessings! These two verses came to mind: "The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it." - Psalm 24:1 "Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31 The last chapter of Barbara Brown Taylor's book An Altar in the World is called “The Practice of Pronouncing Blessings.” She writes, “To pronounce a blessing on something is to see it from the divine perspective. To pronounce a blessing is to participate in God's own initiative. To pronounce a blessing is to share God's own audacity.” “The key to blessing things is knowing that they beat you to it. They key to blessing things is to receive their blessing.” We wandered with these invitations: Remember that we are both blessed by the earth, and we are a blessing to the earth. See what captures your attention, stop, and offer a blessing. Consider how it has first blessed you. Rather than continuing on and jumping to bless and be blessed by as many beings as possible, take time to listen and offer the gift of your attention and time. What do they want you to know? What do they have to tell you about God? What does God want you to know about them? Lover of the world,
we thank you for the gifts of the Earth and for the way Earth supports our daily lives, from birth to death. Thank you for healthy, fertile soil, and for the good food this land produces. We thank you for the abundance of fresh water we have here in our watershed, and the beauty and refreshment it brings to our lives. Thank you for clean air, for wind, for breath, and for the trees and plants that create oxygen for us. Thank you for the sun, warming our bodies, bringing growth, and providing energy. Thank you for the creatures who are our neighbours, for their beauty, resourcefulness, and roles in the ecosystem. Thank you for pollinators, seeds and flowers, fungi, mycelia, ancient forests, clouds, mountains, sandy beaches, ocean currents, gravity, the tilt of the earth, the changing of the seasons, jet streams, constellations and planets. Help us to love our place on the earth, and to be moved by our love to live lives of discipleship that reflect our love for the earth. We pray in the name of Christ, firstborn of all creation. Amen. - Wendy Janzen Ephemeral
Noun: Something that lasts for a very short time. Something ephemeral. Specifically, a plant that grows, flowers, and dies in a few days. Psalm 103:15-17 As for mortals, their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. April Ephemerals My eyes scan the dead brown forest floor, searching for early emerging ephemerals, joyous sentinals of spring. Something about these fleeting flowers calls me back each year to witness their being. I recite their names like a seasonal litany or an annual reunion with old friends: Hepatica Cut-Leaved Toothwort Dutchman's Breeches Trout Lily Bloodroot Virginia Waterleaf Blue Cohosh Rue Anemone Spring Beauty Trillium Thanks be to God! Yes, I see you, and I see myself. Our lives, too, are short. You show us how to live with abandon and to to let our beauty shine, trusting the Eternal One, Beginning and Ending, to provide purpose and grounding, whatever the length of our days. - Wendy Janzen A prayer, poem, and benediction for Easter sunrise.
Out of the darkness the grace of God rises like the sun hope rises like the dawn. Into all that is cold and shadowed in our lives the Light and Love of God shines. Come to us, and renew us, O God of life. - by Dirt Church Liturgy “spring song” the green of Jesus is breaking the ground and the sweet smell of delicious Jesus is opening the house and the dance of Jesus music has hold of the air and the world is turning in the body of Jesus and the future is possible - by Lucille Clifton Benediction May Creator’s love ground you, may Christ’s love rise to guide you like the sun, may Spirit’s love be a constant presence within you and around you. Christ is risen! Amen - by Wendy Janzen March Eco-Spiritual Practice:
Spring Equinox Reflections This month, the Spring Equinox falls on March 19th, a day of equal daylight and darkness, after which we move into the season of spring and the lighter half of the year. Here are some reflection questions inspired by the equinox seasonal transition. Take these questions out onto the land with you and observe what you notice. Use them as journaling prompts or as inspiration for some creative art (a nature mandala is a wonderful way to reflect on the season and what is in balance). Examine the balance in your life - where is there balance (or tension) between perceived opposites? What do you want/need more of in your life? What do you need/want less of? What is awakening in you? What is ready to sprout? Greening God,
For fresh buds on trees, tender green shoots, ephemerals flowering, birds returning and nesting, We give thanks. Our hearts, too, are opening, blossoming, dancing and singing praise for life, for colour, fertility, birth and rebirth! Amen. God, thank you for this morning. May I be as joyful and enthusiastic as Robins. May I enter into this day with anticipation and energy like Cardinals. Provide me with what I need, just as you do for House Sparrows, and let me trust that is enough. I praise you together with my beloved neighbours whose voices I hear this day: Mourning Doves, Northern Flickers, Canada Geese, Red-winged Blackbirds, Crows, and Goldfinches. Amen. We gathered on Easter morning at twilight - the time between the two lights. The moon was setting behind us as we gathered on the east-facing slope awaiting the rising sun. The dawn chorus of birds provided music for our prelude. Our text was John 20:1-18. Step Chandler Burns, of Pastors in Exile, shared these words before we spend time 'wandering and wondering' and watching for the sunrise. "This morning, like every new day, Christ is alive among us. Each day, God is doing a new thing and inviting us to bring our faith and our questions and enter into the new life being made among us. So this morning, and all mornings, believe the gospel. The Good News is that new life is possible. Seek the new thing God is doing, whether you understand it or not. Resurrection is here and happening among us every day: the sun rises, the snow melts, the animals and birds sing to the morning, the cold gives way to the sun, the cycles of life and death keep moving. People heal and reconcile and learn and grow. Relationships mend, we’re made new. Even when we don’t want to be. Even when we’re not at our best, even when we’re hungry, angry, lonely and tired. Or when we don’t understand quite yet. This morning, you’re invited to take in the morning. Listen to the birds and the animals, the waking of the earth. Take in the new life, resurrection among us. And believe, or question it. Jesus will meet you there. May it be so." What ways are you experiencing resurrection? Where are you seeing signs of new life? Whether we believe easily, or are skeptical, Christ meets us in sunrises and in rain, in honking geese and songbirds, in our day to day lives. Halleluiah! God of springtime,
We thank you for the strength of the sun warming the soil and our souls. We rejoice at the drip, drip, drip of ice melting off branches. We celebrate the sweet sap rising from a winter underground. We listen for the songs of feathered travelers returning from the South. We even smile at snow turning to slush turning to mud. Bless the world rising from its winter rest. Bless this in between, messy time. Bless our anticipation and our longing. Bless the melting snow as it seeps deep down to roots, bulbs and seeds, all ready and waiting. As spring moves in and winter lets go, awaken us to new life and melt away the crusty, frozen places within us. Plant in us hope, deep and resilient hope, that will rise up strong and rooted. Amen |
AuthorReflections, poetry, prayers, photos, and resources written by Wendy Janzen unless otherwise noted. Archives
January 2025